Sarah sat quietly off in a dark corner of the ceremony hall as she awaited it to commence. It wasn't too before students began to file in, still chatting away; murmurs turning to a dull roar of distantly mumbled speech. Sarah simply yawned in her hand before blinking her tired eyes in a feeble attempt to wake up more. Finally the lights in the stands began to dim and draw to a focus on the stage. She pushed herself up in her seat, trying to seem more lady-like. As the commencement began she idly tapped her right foot in the air, the leg layered casually over her left knee. As the proceedings came to an end and she stood with a stretch - raising the front of her blouse to expose a small part of her tummy and waistline, which she quickly pulled back down after her stretch - she couldn't put her finger on what felt odd about it all. Maybe she had finally just realized after three years how the Ceremonies hall environment felt? Or perhaps just that it was a different speaker than usual? She quickly dismissed it all though, filing out of her row and making her way slowly down to The Boss. After a bit of waiting behind other girls clambering for the front she made it to The Boss. She smiled sweetly up at the refined woman. "Hello again, Ms Boss. May I ask which room I am in this year?" She spoke in sweet melody, a beautiful rhythm of tones from her powder pink lips.