Helena sat back in her bus seat, simply relaxing and reading a book. Though she did have earphones in, the soft R&B playing more served as ambient music than an actual form of entertainment. She read a book focused on a team of heroes, and was quite enjoying herself. Hours seemed to fly by as she read- so much so that she almost didn't notice when they finally reached the Academy. They rolled to a stop and were told to leave their belongings behind. Helena didn't mind this as she exited the bus, as there wasn't much worth stealing anyway. She looked up at the academy, amazed to be in a place touched by Dan Green. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw someone up looking down on them as they exited. [i]I wonder if that's him,[/i] she thought. They were making history by being the first class to be taught in this place. The woman looked around and saw three people gathering together. She wasn't sure if they all knew each other, or just friendly strangers. Either way, they would have to meet each other anyway, right? Helena walked up to the group. "You guys excited too?" she asked, wanting to strike up some small talk until the tour or whatever began. [@ineffable] [@Xandrya] [@DreadPirate]