[hider= Maeve (Sowlio)] [center][img]https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/20668712_1609150512451234_588125215_n.jpg?oh=181b7ec09206b2fbb739d58f5b06786e&oe=598F767E[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Maeve Brigid Byrne [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Mae [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rune/Location[/b] Sowlio / right palm [b]Rune Powers: Fire[/b] -Conjuration and projection of flames from her body, especially her hands -Causing combustion reactions from a short distance away -Raising the ambient temperature of any air/water/objects in contact with her body at will -Heat/fire resistance [b] Description:[/b] Maeve is a woman of medium height with a muscular build. She has unkempt red hair, muddy hazel eyes, and freckled skin. Her clothing tends to be more functional than anything, and usually consists of gym shorts or leggings, some form of tank top or racerback, and sneakers. When forced to pretend she's a civil human being (or perhaps at her own funeral,) she wears a suit. She has multiple tattoos, including a kestrel with spread wings that spans her chest and touches the tips of her collarbones. [b]Personality:[/b] Crass and sharp-tongued, Maeve has no qualms about picking fights. A short temper and a strong sense of justice go a long way hand-in-hand, and she's been in enough brawls to serve as evidence. She'll take up any challenge to prove someone wrong, but she has little personal drive to take on lofty tasks by herself. As a result, she has spent most of her ambition on drinking, smoking, and generally buying into any chance to yell, "fuck the man." [b]Skills:[/b] -Skilled practical hand-to-hand fighter, due to former work and hobbies -Quick on her feet -Not easily phased or shocked -Good gut instinct for people, and good at reading body cues in combat -The whole "fire rune" thing (see "rune abilities) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Fatally loyal to those who win her trust -Impulsive, both socially and in combat -Easily deceived by those close to her -Cocky [b]Brief History:[/b] Maeve was born to an Irish Catholic family, who she was estranged from later in life. Her mother and father are still alive, but contact is mostly awkward and minimal. She came to the United States for college, where she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in criminal justice. She was terminated from the Marion County police force at twenty-two, only three months after joining, for failing to follow protocol regarding a small drug possession case, and then, upon being chastised, proceeding to light a cigarette and tell her superior he could "eat arse and shove off." In the long term, it likely would have been life ruining. In the short term, however, she took up working security at local dive bars, nightclubs, and concert venues. Through bouncing, she came to work at Ringside Bar and Arena, where she first worked as security, and eventually ended up spending her weekend nights as a small-time prize fighter. The underground community around the city's cage fighters harbored less-than-savory supernatural characters in addition to human denizens, and Maeve often found herself as the underdog in scraps against draugr, trolls, and a smaller warg-shifter or four. It was a tough life, but she made good money and free drinks off of it. That is, until her Rune appeared. She won four grand betting on herself the night after it surfaced, but it was cut short as the Blessed picked her up in her apartment only twelve hours and one nasty hangover after her sensational victory. [b]Other:[/b] While drunk, she once got a tattoo from a friend while in a van that says, "Whiskey, Women, and Winning," across her lower back. It's still there, so, you know. Whatever that means about a person. [/center][/hider]