This agitation had to stop. Zoe held back the urge to spring up and punch the wall, really, really hard. It felt as though her adrenaline gland had a sprung a leak, her mind and body simmering with nervous energy. And this had been all day now. Laying on her back fingers laced behind her head, becoming far too familiar with the inner workings of the ceiling, Zoe tried to pin down the source. It really did seem like aimless frustration. As habit dictates the night before had been late, though she had risen much earlier than usual with a start, panting hard after some instantly forgotten dream. That was when the feeling of anticipation kicked in, and it only intensified as the day continued. A quick two mile or so morning run helped a bit, but her quickly crafted breakfast of buttered toast and coffee afterwards was hard to get down, her shower not helpful in her dilemma, unfortunately. Work at Stormy's was business as usual, though this particular Wednesday had been a quiet one. No appointments and only two phone inquiries, no pressure. So no stress right? So why the tension? Her shift had drawn on, and on, and on, time passing irritatingly slowly, the empty minutes crawling by only perpetuating the growing restlessness in her bones. She'd practically sprinted home at the end of the day, taking the long way round in a bid to burn away the incessant nervousness. It hadn't worked. Zoe uttered a desperate chuckle at her self before it switching to a soft groan, wriggling and stretching in frustration. Here, now, hours later, laying across her bed, the feeling remained. Stronger even. [color=#008080][i]I don't need unexplained random foreboding right now. This is the definition of ants in your pants. Unbelievable. To sleep I'm gonna need hectic damned medication if I even...[/i][/color] Knocking. Snapping her from her futile introspection, the timid knock at her door was almost a relief, and she had to strain to hear her brothers murmured request. Rolling, standing and heading to the door in a series of surprisingly quick, efficient movements she took a calming breathe for a moment before opening the door inwards, wasting no time replying. [color=#008080]"Yeah, sure buddy. I'm keen. Feeling weird."[/color] It took only a glance to discern that something was clearly up with her brother too. She'd been at the older sister thing long enough to know that inquiring right off the bat was largely unhelpful with Will. He'd share what was bothering him with her if and when he felt he needed to. Until then a walk, the night sky and quiet company actually sounded pretty good, and could do some good toward dissipating this weirdly persisting fight or flight sensation. Still wide awake and fully clothed there was no real reason to delay. [color=#008080]"Got somewhere in mind? Not important, but you know, curious"[/color] she quipped, walking over to her desk to retrieve her bag and phone. 13%. [color=#008080][i]Awesome.[/i][/color] Quickly sending a short message to their mother about their wanderings before shrugging with resignation, she stuck the device in her rucksack along with the rest of its contents. Zoe turned once more to her brother. He really did looked kinda haunted. [color=#008080][i]Is that a mask?[/i][/color] Half concealed behind his back he was holding a bright object, one of the eyes visible, giving it away. [color=#008080][i]The mystery evolves. Cue much needed distraction, I suppose. Shouldn't be away too long, Mom can sleep.[/i][/color] [color=#008080]"Let's go then. You look like something's eating you up. We could both do with a stroll, not gonna lie"[/color] she said, brushing past him on the way out the door, shouldering her rucksack. Taking the lead she began her stealthy departure from the house, showing a remarkable amount of skill as she crept down wooden steps in almost complete silence, opening the front door with a faint squeak and waiting for Will. Two small clicks and it was locked behind them. She felt like [i]running[/i], her muscles tensing as if she were on the edge of some large precipice, about to jump off. Instead she restrained herself and motioned to her brother with a nod and a sweeping arm gesturing towards the city lights, suggesting he take the lead on their little night time adventure. This was his plan after all.