Raiya figured the attack wouldn't be enough to kill their foe, but she didn't expect to dismember him. When the plasma sword passed through his arm, she felt a tinge of satisfaction at seeing the severed arm fall away. Immediately after her slash finished its arc, the blade faded, its width shrinking until it was a beam no bigger than a laser, and then dissipating altogether. As Raiya fell back to the ground, she was confused to see Zoey fall in two pieces and then burst into some sort of mana like flame and disappear. Raiya had never witnessed anything like it, and figured it was just another one of Zoey's illusions. When the Captain hit the deck, he surrounded his body with water allowing the water to grow to an enormous size, which was a tad bit intimidating. After a moment the water sloshed back down to the deck in a normal pool leaving no trace of him or his magically controlled waters. That was when Nemo suggested their enemy had made a run for it. Raiya followed closely behind Nemo has he gave chase to the captain. The scent of the air was indeed thick with blood, even if the captain had attempted to mask his trail, Raiya's nose could pick him out from a hundred meters away. Fortunately enough the captain was kind enough to leave a visual blood trail to follow, but Raiya kept her senses keen just in case the captain was attempting to set up a trap of some kind. She summoned one of her sashimi knives and gripped the handle so the blade pointed down and out, preparing herself for any ambush style attack.