[center][h3][color=#835C3B]Monny A.K.A. Clayface in Episode 5[/color][/h3][hr][i]Attacking [@Sir Lurksalot][/i][hr][/center]The Monster was upset. It didn't like being upset either which didn't help things much. It was still swatting at anyone who happened to be next to it, either young or old or anywhere in between. It had lost track of whom was whom, everyone looked so much more different then their younger counter parts. That still didn't prevent the giant monstrosity from muttering abashed apologies every time it's body tried to hit someone. [color=#835C3B]"So sorry."[/color] Monny cringed as it smacked the guy scrambling around after Toon Girl's explosives. Rookie. Monny was a little too distraught to think of the guy's real name. The blow looked like it really hurt. Did Monny kill him? Monny really, really hoped not. [color=#835C3B]"Please no."[/color] Monny's voice was barely more than a whisper as it's body raised it's hand for a final (if the guy wasn't dead already) blow. The clay monster watched in a kind of detached horror as it's arm came down, down, down. Worst of all Monny couldn't even close it's massive eye. [color=teal][b]"Fuck it."[/b][/color] Monny would have cocked it's head to the side if it A) was in control of it's own body. And B) if it had a head. Before it could ask what Rookie meant (or even before it could crush the hero) Rookie spoke again. [color=teal]"Sorry, Bud! [i][b]This might sting a little![/b]"[/i][/color] Monny felt it's body take a step back, as if it too understood in the moment just what was going to happen. Right before the inevitable. [b]KA-BOOOOOM[/b] The ensuing explosion was enough to take a chunk out of Monny. It's whole top half was gone in a spray of mud covering much of the room in Clay Monster. It's lower half was left in a parody of an open flower. For a few long minutes nothing happened. Monny itself waited to see if the dynamite was enough to stop his body's rampaging. Then it felt it. The subtle pull of the clay against itself. The clay that had been scattered about the room and on everyone near by began to shiver and shake. The mud still attached to Monny's legs began to bubble and reform. It was smaller this time around, even with the extra bolstering powers of Extant, more normal sized, but still as dangerous. Monny's lone eye honed in on Rookie. [color=#835C3B]"Uh-oh."[/color] Monny said as it realized Rookie was now definitively target #1.