Raiya continued to follow Nemo until they were met by a few normal sailors who were about to find out that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. [color=ec008c]"I got these guys."[/color] Raiya said confidently. Raiya clenched her left fist and charged mana into it. A glowing pinkish ball began to gather around her fist until she opened her hand, the energy coalesced into a somewhat solid orb that she could physically interact with, the size of a baseball. Raiya aimed and tossed her pink spell grenade at the wall. The spell hit the wall at an angle that bounced it into the doorway one of the crew members was hiding in. It rolled to a stop at his feet. The sailor only had a moment to look at the glowing pink ball before Raiya released the bounded field that surrounded the spell releasing a torrent of high voltage electricity which fried the hiding sailor as well as set off the rounds in his pistol which blew apart in his leaving a burnt corpse with a mangled hand. Raiya then rushed the other sailor who was frantically weaving another spell to toss at them. Raiya rushed him so fast that the sailor was only able to release a partially finished version of his spell which was supposed to be a grand fireball that probably would have incinerated the entire hallway and everything in it. Instead what he released was a small ball of flames about the size of Raiya's body directly at Raiya. After the flames dissipated Raiya was nowhere within the sailor's line of sights. But as the sailor began to scan his surroundings he knew he made a mistake Raiya had used the bright ball of flame to hide as she jumped directly over the sailor's head. Raiya quickly stabbed the sailor in the side of the throat with her culinary knife. He crumpled to the ground as he let out a couple of death groans. Raiya knelt down and used the sleeve of the now dead sailor to wipe the blood off of her knife. She looked up at Nemo from her knelt position as she wiped her knife down, [color=ec008c]"What?",[/color] Raiya asked innocently, [color=ec008c]"These knives are expensive and dried blood is annoying to clean."[/color]