It....talked. And not just the weird, gutteral, semi-human noises that those monsters sometimes made. Cerys lowered her fists cautiously and stared at it. This was new. She noticed it wore a little leather hat and seemed just as anxious as she was. The hat made his whole appearance less threatening, and she wondered why she hadn't noticed it before. "I actually don't work here...I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." She trailed off, apologetically looking away. She was confused as all hell, but she felt that she may have already made a scene and didn't want to make it worse. He didn't appear to want to hurt anyone, and if he [i]had[/i] he probably would have done so the moment he walked in the door. Cerys spun on her heels quickly and went to the far end of the store, aware that she was walking further from the scrolls she needed. Glancing back, she decided to wait for it to calm down and clear out a little before she continued her search.