Shai half listened to the rest of the tour, only really paying attention at the end to the crew lounge. Thankfully the Twi'lek exile could indeed cook (although not very well) so she wouldn't have to survive off nutripaste. It was one of the only skills she held onto since her youth in slavery. As they were standing around in the cockpit, something curious happened. The Captain, who up until this point was all business, seemed to make a joke. Shai raised an eyebrow and exhaled quietly at the delivery of the joke but otherwise made no moves to laugh. At least the Captain has a working sense of humour. The rest of the crew left the pilot and co-pilot to their work in the cockpit and moved on to the engine room, which was behind the bunks. As the Captain explained all the dials and lights and blinking screens to the Dug, Shai leaned against the doorway to the engine room and glanced around at the rest of the compartment. The two giant discs must be the engine itself. Or maybe the hyperdrive? Maybe the hyperdrive was further back behind some panels? Shai tried to think back to what the hyperdrive looked like in other ships she'd flown in. Unfortunately she had never cared and hadn't bothered to look. Well, at least she wasn't the engineer. Shai had to admit that the ship didn't look nearly as bad as she had expected it to from the outside. Although she wasn't the best judge and that it was probably the result of an overhaul or numerous extensive retrofits. In fact, even to Shai's untrained eyes several pieces in the engine room alone looked to be from some other ship or just younger parts than the hull they were mounted on. "Liak'ykam, Shai, help Zekha with whatever he needs until we break atmosphere." The Twi'lek blinked twice before fulling understanding the meaning and nodding in acknowledgement. There's a first time for everything. Shai pushed herself off the wall and let the captain and the other crew members by before she re-entered the engine room and looked at the Dug, Zekha, the Captain called him. Shai looked at Zekha expectantly, like a rookie soldier looking at their Sergeant for orders. Zekha looked up from his work and addressed the Wookiee first. Her job was to look at some screens and make sure nothing went over a certain point. Seemed simple enough. Once he was finished explaining things to the Wookie he turned to Shai. "There's not a lot you can do right now that wouldn't take me hours to make you understand anything that isn't more basic than buttered Gorg jerky, so there's a basic pre-flight checklist for securing the ship before departure. Doors, ramps, equipment that's laying around, things that sound very wrong, make sure it's secure or somebody's going to get a concussion or worse if our Trandoshian pilot turns out being an alcoholic or a death stick addict. We'll go over anything you don't know after I make sure everything here is passable." Shai nodded curtly and replied with a short, "Got it." Okay this shouldn't be so bad. A simple inspection. Shai had done lots of inspections. Although most were of soldiers and not ships but it was the same thing really. You look for the things that appear out of place and you beat it into submission right? Zekha offered hearing protection but unfortunately ear plugs don't really work on ear cones so Shai refused them as politely as she could. The Exile began to retrace her steps from the tour, making sure anything she could see that was loose was promptly secured with a rope or net or box of some kind. She tucked a fire suppression device back into its nook from where it had fallen before entering the cargo hold once more. Now this was the real challenge wasn't it? Shai began the tedious work of scooting empty and full crates of all kinds into neat piles before dragging a net over them so they wouldn't slide around. Several of them were ungodly heavy but thankfully Shai Rivelia was no weakling and managed to push them into place. The blue-skinned woman glanced over the hold one last time before remembering that the other Twi'lek, Woo'rah had a 'workshop' down here. Shai walked over to where she remembered the taller woman to have her hammock and asked, "We're getting ready for departure, is all your stuff squared away down here?"