Camilla was about to comment that no one in their right mind would hire her as a bouncer, when the harried looking looking serving made moved by their table. Without seeming to pause she lay down two earthenware mugs of watery ail and scooped up the too copper pieces Camilla had been planning to use to pay for the drinks. There was an instictive grace to it, like a charlatan who had practiced a coin trick so often that even he couldn't have explained to you how it was done. Camilla sipped at the ale and grimaced. [b]"Well its a good thing it's cheap,"[/b] she sighed and suddenly her skin prickled. Moving slowly she shook her head as if in conversation with Cydric. Out of the corner of her eye she again caught sight of the blonde woman. She was almost heart stopping beautiful even clothed in the simple sensible garments of a traveler but despite that the many drunk and amorous patrons of the bar seemed to hardly notice her. [b]"Cydric," [/b]Camila began quietly only to once again be interrupted by a booming voice. [b]"Camilla? Mios Dios รจ davvero tu!"[/b] Camilla snapped her head around to the opposite direction to see a tall dark man pushing his way through the crowd a dazzlingly white smile spitting his olive skinned face. He was dressed in dark red and grey, nearly black silk with the tight fitting trousers that the aristocracy were favoring these days. A sword, a fine rapier, hung on a belt of dark leather at his waist and he wore the supple leather fencing boots which Tilean duelists preferred. [b]"Riccardo?"[/b] she breathed in stunned surprise as he crossed the room, weaving through the crowd with effortless grace. He caught her in a hug a few moments after she got to her feet and kissed her on each cheek in the Tilean fashion. [b]"Non posso credere che sia davvero lei, che cosa ha trascorso cinque anni?"[/b] he burbled in Tilean. It was surreal to hear her native language spoken after so long in the Empire. Riccardo de Montefeltro was an astonishingly good looking man, with smooth olive skin, dark eyes with a neatly manicured pencil mustache. When last she had known him Riccardo had spent some time modeling for artists of various kinds, but the years had erased the cherubic aspect of him and he had a lean and hungry look about him that made him seem dangerous. The dueling scar across his cheek probably didn't hurt that either. [b]"Four at least,"[/b] she responded, switching to Reikspeil for Cydric's benefit. She made a gesture to the table indicating he should join them. [b]"Cydric this is Riccardo, a..."[/b] she trailed off trying to figure out the exact relationship. The other Tilean laughed at her awkwardness. [b]"An old friend I hope,"[/b] Riccardo broke in, his Reikspiel completely understandable but more heavily accented than hers. [b]"Riccardo de Montefeltro, Herr Cydric,"[/b] the Bravo introduced himself. His dark eyes danced between Camilla and Cydric. [b]"You are together?" [/b]he said with a grin and then bowed his head slightly to Cydric. [b]"You are a poor bastard, or a lucky bastard, I can no decide,"[/b] he said with a good natured shrug and thrust his hand out at the Imperial. Camilla sat down beside Cydric her face wearing a bemused smile. Of all the places to run into an old friend. [@POOHEAD189]