[@Godlikeblade] [@Silvir] [@Warborn123] [@Windstormugly] [@Petulant] [@Red Helix] [@Ragrar] [@Bishop] Dean heard everyone's answer as they said them, agreeing with how they responded. Vladimir, Robert, Arron, and Greg in particular. They were all right in their own ways, Vladimir and Aaron in particular raising good points. This was caused because of how the Angels used them, but, as Greg pointed out, they do likely need to experience more of what they can do with these abilities first. Robert also had a ridiculous, yet...oddly probable idea for how to help others out of their false reality. A bit bombastic as Aaron pointed out, but not something Dean felt should be thrown off the table entirely. Dean then turned to the teacher as she tried to keep everyone calm, while trying to keep calm herself. As she spoke however, she was stopped by a noise, one that Dean and likely the others heard as well. Dean turned around to see where that noise was from, only to find a man covered head to toe in black armor, standing at the entrance way his fireball made. Also sensing the danger coming off this guy ominously like their teacher, Dean instinctively jumped back towards her. "[b]And now we have this on top of everything that doesn't make sense today!? ...Who are you!?[/b]" Dean yelled at the giant man, fireballs forming in his hands as he prepared to protect their teacher.