[center][img]http://viewmanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/SIMON-VAN-MEERVENNE-MANGO002.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjgzMDJkNC5SV0ppYnlCU1lYbHVaWEksLjAA/sugar-candy.sugar-candy.png[/img] [/center] [hr][color=662d91][b]First Name:[/b][/color] Ebbo [color=662d91][b]Surname:[/b][/color] Rayner [color=662d91][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Ray, Raybo, Ebby [color=662d91][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=662d91][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=662d91][b]Species:[/b][/color] Demigod-Son of Odin [hr][color=662d91][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Ebbo is a independent young man, who is not one for rules. He likes to follow his own self made path and do things his way. Ebbo can be stubborn at times, but the sight of rules and regulations make him sick, this is one of his biggest flaws but one of his best traits. His determination and hard work ethic drive him to prove he was right and his way is best. This gave Ebbo the skill to learn to do something, and do it right the first time. Outside of this Ebbo is a great friend, not the most social, and will have your back the whole way just make sure you don't ask his opinion on things he won't sugarcoat it. Ebbo would much rather spend his time alone, in a book or gaming then trying to make hurt himself making friends. [hr][color=662d91][b]History:[/b][/color] In all 19 years of life, Ebbo Rayner has been the pet project of his father Odin. When he was born he was left to his mother, she taught him how to be a man, right form wrong, and how to treat a lady (or man if he was into that, she doesn't judge). His father had a tendency to pop from time to time and mess things up for their little unit. When he was 5 Odin stole him away in broad daylight for 3 years, dropping him all around the world with different teachers saying he needed to "toughen up". When he turned 16 Odin forced him to endure a "spiritual death and rebirth" to awaken his inner shaman (it was nothing compared to Odin's hanging on the world-tree for nine days and nights, but it still hurt). In Ebbo's 18th year Odin gave him a nice brand the night before his high school graduation. Safe to say Ebbo and his father don't have much of a relationship outside of his visits. Odin is also the one who is sending him to Riverswell Estate & University, to "further his training." [hr][color=662d91][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Reading [*]Learning [*]Traveling [*]Camping [*]Gaming [/list] [hr][color=662d91][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Being the son of the Warrior-Shaman Odin, a war god, a poet, the chief of the Aesir deities, is a lot to live up too. Ebbo inherited the Shaman way from his father, he was forced to endure the "spiritual death and rebirth" at a young age so he could unlock his ability to use runes. Runes are magically-charged Germanic alphabet that can be used in many different ways. Runes are charged with magical energy and the word becomes alive. Ebbo stays away from the more complex spells that involve multiple runes, and simply uses runes to summon and control the elements and on the occasion mess with others. Runes are a gods magic though, so when he uses them he never really has control or immunity over what he summons, fire still burns and ice still freezes. [hr][color=662d91][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Ebbo is a great swords man, courtesy of his father. [*]When he went through his "spiritual death" he became spiritually linked with bears, owls, and cats. H has a pet cat names Cheshire. [*] He has a tattoo and a brand, one is a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/3b/45/373b45c6d616089095686a23a86d9608--tribal-bear-tattoo-bear-tattoos.jpg]bear[/url] on his back and the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/48/09/a2/4809a2bbcfce4a54adcb66dc11d2208d.jpg]brand[/url] is on his right pectoral and was left by his father. [/list]