A bit short compared to my usual character sheets, but I think it's solid enough to warrant posting. [hider=Devi Kaur] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ln6nLDr.jpg[/img] [h1]Devi Kaur, Foremost Servitor of Jagannath[/h1][/center] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/gz6uOQ1.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [color=00a651]First Name:[/color] Devi [color=00a651]Surname:[/color] Kaur [color=00a651]Nickname:[/color] Vi [color=00a651]Gender:[/color] Female [color=00a651]Age:[/color] 19 [color=00a651]Species:[/color] Demigod, Daughter of Jagannath(in the forms of Jagabandhu "Friend of the Universe", Dāruēdabatā "The Wooden God") [hr] [color=00a651]Personality:[/color] As the daughter of Jagannath, primarily in the form of Jagabandhu, Devi is a compassionate and empathetic person, though oftentimes reserved and timid. She is not one to shy away from anyone in need and is quick to make friends while being slow to anger and far more forgiving than one would think. That part of her she believes favors her father's lineage as the "Friend of the Universe", in that as she was taught by her village, Jagannath has compassion for all including those that wish ill upon him, and that forgiveness is deserved by all. In that, while she may not be the most forward or out-going person of any group, she stands out for her willingness to help and befriend even the most awkward of outcasts. [hr] [color=00a651]Hobbies:[/color] Vi has few activities she can truly call a hobby, as she has been primarily driven by the needs and well-being of her village, but she does draw more than a little pleasure from those few. Of note is her love for horticulture, something she was quite well known for among the circle of villages back in Eastern India. Flowers and herbs are her specialty in that regard, ornamental and exotic ones strike a particular chord with her with their vibrant colors and natural aesthetics. When she wasn't tending her garden or assisting others however, she would often simply go on long walks through the banyan forest or make a trip to Calcutta to peruse the markets. [hr] [color=00a651]Abilities:[/color] - Child of the Forest: An ability she has had since she was very young, Devi has an intrinsic connection to the natural energies of the world and with focus can manipulate them as well. Even without a concerted effort, plants near her become more vibrant and lively than before, her presence a boost of vitality. With ease she can gently coax life into withered ones as well, restoring them and even leaving them with a lingering aura. Most obvious effect of this ability that anyone could see from first glance however, is the way flowers simply blossom around her, surrounding her with the beauty of the natural world. - The Wooden Princess: Taking on the image of her father, Dāruēdabatā The Wooden God, she can create and direct the growth of trees to a limited extent. Most prominently is the ability to create barriers of wood from the earth or vegetation, which can help her protect others, or the creation of thin layers of bark across her entire body when she feels physically threatened. The latter is something she still has no direct control over, though she has had moments where she could manifest it without danger. - Akashic Intuition: While she cannot claim to truly be the inheritor of her father's legacy quite yet, Devi still has a connection to him that enables her to learn far faster than any normal human. This primarily comes into play when dealing with languages, in that she can learn nearly any language simply by listening to enough words. There's still a fair learning curve when it comes to actually speaking them, but for her all it takes is a little bit of practice and more exposure to the language. To a lesser extent she can learn instruments and other skills, but she has often been told that when it comes to anything musical she has "wooden fingers". [hr] [color=00a651]Extra:[/color] It should be noted for anyone that can sense life energy, that Devi Kaur's life force is almost blinding in the immensity of it to the point that often enough other people will be obscured by her mere presence. This comes from her connection to the natural forces of the world, where she is almost always in tune with the trees and other plants around her. No one should be adversely affected by this since it isn't actually tampering with anyone else's aura. [/hider]