Diana couldn't help but smile happily and laugh at Derek's unexpected excitement over a Disney movie. It was nice to see him get really happy about something. Since it made him happy, it made her happy, too. She looked around to make sure the coast was clear before saying, "Moana it is, then," in her normal voice. Still grinning, her hand suddenly started to reach towards his without her even realizing it. She caught herself halfway and quickly dropped it back to her side. [i]Aghh, Diana, you idiot![/i] she thought to herself, [i]What was I thinking?? God, I hope he didn't notice.[/i] She looked away, a faint blush painted on her face, and clasped her hands behind her back. She was just going to play it cool as if that never happened. After all, there was the possibility he didn't notice her reaching for his hand in the first place.