[color=a36209][b]Adam 'Trails' Wilford- Ace's Diner[/b][/color] Adam had been looking up at the big man, well, mutant he supposed, as he spoke, “Yes, Rook is Rook. Rook made his armor and weapon, but those are back at his shack.” Rook had grasped his hand, like a grown man to a newborn's, and shook it. “Rook would like to make armor fit better, maybe replace some old parts that have worn out. Rook once had chest plate of the armor the Tin Men wear while not far from the Pitt. It was in a place called 'Depot.'” Adam's eyes furrowed as he looked at Rook's shoulders, "Hmmmm. Well, I reckon we could do something here." He gave a knock on the pauldrons with the back of his hands. "Maybe make them interchangeable so when you know you need to go to battle or you're in the Wastes, you can wear spiked shoulders. A big man like you could gore most anything with those and, all else failing, at the least you'd severely wound them." Adam twisted his jaw as he observed Rook's armor as Rook continued, “Rook traded it long ago however to get welding materials to help repair walls of a town. Rook wishes he could find armor like that again, or even make it! Rook would be able to stop all the bad things in the wastelands with armor like that. Rook is a Paladin of the Wastelands, that is what the old woman in red told Rook.” Adam could only chuckle, "A big ox like you? I could see that, but I don't think they make Power Armor in your size, hoss. But that ain't no reason for you not to make something just as good." Adam took a bite of his steak when Rook spoke up again, “Does man know how to make gates out of big metal machines from before bombs? Rook has seen other places use them, but never understood how they worked. Rook was thinking of bring up old containers from water to use as wall materials, but Rook will need a lot of help with that. Rook is only so strong." Adam frowned, "Fraid not, big man. I can help weld a wall, put things together and all that. But I'm no inventor. I guess we could take a garage door of some kind and use that to slide the door up and down. Maybe like those old castles in books, you know? As for you suggestion of boxes, sure. I could probably help you out, Bessie too." As Ace began to close down the diner, Adam nodded and remembered to place a stack of 10 caps on the counter as a tip for the good service. He untied Bessie from a nearby post and led her along. He stepped out into the evening air and led her along the eastern waterfront and sang softly to himself. "But I guess you count your blessings with the problems that you're dealing with today...." He trailed off as he went past a small warehouse unused. It was just a small square room, but it was all the home he'd need. The interior was very nice, just needed to clean out the rubble on the ground and it'd be a perfect small home. He dragged an old wooden beer crate inside, unslung his weapons and his pack beside him to sit under the window, the moonlight peering in. He dug through his pocket until he found the small metal makeup box he kept safe at all times. He unclipped the latch and opened it, smiling sadly. Inside was an old Codac camera picture of him and his family. He caressed each face with a sad longing and said softly, sadly, "I wish you all could see how far from home I've come." He closed the latch and put it back in a pocket and stood outside with Bessie, rubbing her heads. "Hey girls. You two getting sleepy yet?" He kissed each head and undid the bundle of ropes and latches on their backs and began to pile his goods beside the door. He didn't have much need for them, but he always took off Bessie's burdens each night. As the hours passed, so had his energy as he swept out all the dust and rubble. Now it was clear enough for his bedroll and hotplate as well as a few odds and ends. He stood out in the cool night breeze and fed Bessie her meals. "Here you go girls. You know daddy always gets you the good food, huh?" They mooed happily at the delicious quality of Ace's vegetables. Adam smiled contently and went to lean on the rails overlooking the ocean. He saw something out in the pale of the moon, but couldn't make it out clearly. Digging into his pouch, he grabbed his binoculars to get a better look and his jaws dropped. Adam's only thought was the only man he could think of who could help, Rook. Adam ran through town and to Rook's coastal shack, all the while screaming 'Rook!', likely rudely waking others from their slumber, but it didn't matter. He was out of breath and began knocking on the door, "Rook! Rook! Get out here, man! I need your help!"