[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] Donny was just about to start his second bag of chips when he heard some footsteps coming down the hall. Donny was quick to wipe away his tears, partly to hide the fact they were actually black droplets of his own body, mainly because he doesn’t want anyone seeing him crying. Bad enough that people think he’s a monster, he doesn’t want them to start saying he’s soft too. He just ate his chips in silence when he noticed that the guy who was coming down the hall was Jett, and he had chosen to sit next to Donny. He wasn’t sure what to think of it. From watching the video, Jett seemed like one of those super arrogant guys with too much confidence in their quirks. Kinda like Acion but more normal. Donny wasn’t sure if this was a good or a bad thing. The first thing Donny did notice however was that Jett had placed a soda can near Donny. As Jett was drinking his own, Donny wasn’t sure if Jett was offering a drink to Donny or just bought two for himself. Donny would’ve brought two for himself. Jett then smiled and looked at Donny, asking him if he really took down all of Point B. Donny lost focus about the free drink and just looked down into his hands feeling mighty embarrassed. [color=firebrick]”It’s... Not that impressive. I mean... I didn’t even defeat anyone... It was really stupid and dangerous anyways..."[/color] Donny mumbled so quietly that he didn’t even stutter like he usually did. He curled his body up to his knees while still eating from his bag of chips. Cool Ranch this time. [color=firebrick]”My quirk... Just lets me eat things... Anything... So I ate the dirt under P-P-Point B. But I couldn’t e-e-even beat anyone not even... Well... No one I g-guess. Didn’t fight no one..."[/color] Donny didn’t want to talk about his fight with Mina, partly because at some point he ate her clothes which would be embarrassing for the both of them, and also because Donny was pretty sure Jett and Mina were friends. He didn't want to get into trouble about that. At this point Donny wasn't sure what he was trying to prove anymore. He wanted to be a hero and the first thing he did was try to collapse a building onto a bunch of kids just so he could show off. That wasn't the ideas of a hero, that was the idea of a total nutcase. Worse still that Donny didn't really tell his teammates that was what he was going to do. No doubt they were expecting Donny to do some sort of stealthy assassination-like take downs on Team Alpha, not go all mad bomber and bring the place down. Even now Donny can't really appreciate the thing he did because it wasn't ingenious anymore, it was just needlessly savage. [color=firebrick]"I'm just a monster anyways... I don't know what I-I-I-I was thinking, coming h-here..."[/color] [@Aerandir]