A long wisp of smoke came from the cigarette that sat between Donnerhardt's lips, his gaze resting on the much smaller figure to his left who stood with her head held high. "Psst..." Donnerhardt whispered a bit, attempting to grab the attention of the tiny woman. "Kin of kin." He'd chime, a hand outstretching to pat the top of her striking pink hair. "Bist du wach?" Delphia swatted away any sort of physical contact from his end, her usual scowl crossing her features as she glanced upwards. "What?" She'd murmur under her breath, "What is it?" What could he possibly want to pester her about? She had a purpose here, it was amazing how he was able to keep such a calm composure - in fact, it made her mad. "And stop speaking German." Delphia would add, a light huff escaping her lips. She watched the taller man pinch at the butt of his cigarette and flick it off to the side, his neck craning as he blew smoke upwards towards the sky. "You have a group. No?" He'd respond with a light hum to his voice, "Number and letter- right? Follow the flow of the river and swim like salmon." Again with his cryptic phrasing, though even then it sounded ridiculous when it came from his mouth. She had watched the scenario play out from the sidelines, though it seemed as though she would need to participate in it all now. Delphia ran her fingers through her dyed locks of hair as she shifted her weight onto one foot, then the other. "... Fine. 1A, then." She sighed as she began her hurried stride, her head nudging a bit for Donnerhardt to follow along- and of course, the tall fellow trailed just behind his much smaller contractor. "Is this not exciting, kin of kin?" Donnerhardt chuckled as he tossed the wasted cigarette aside. "A true adventure, fit for the hardie-" "Please shut up, I'm begging you." Delphia interrupted the beginning of his rant, her scowl only growing more prominent.