[@Bishop] The Hutts set up shop on Nar Shaddaa long ago and have been around since before the Exchange. Now that the Exchange is arguably the most powerful criminal syndicate on Nar Shaddaa, spurned on through the influx of veteran soldiers from the Republic-Revan war now without work and looking for a means to provide for themselves/family, I imagine there is definitely some skirmishes across the urban moon between Hutt gangs and Exchange thugs. So yeah - probably open hostilities, with Hutt Gang and Exchange zones across Nar Shaddaa. The Refugee sector being firmly in Exchange territory, a perfect place for them to obtain new recruits as well, for example. The Exchange exists in the legends canon for Star Wars, yeah. They were present during the Jedi Exile's visit to Nar Shaddaa in the KOTOR 2 game, but in this RP we're going to pretty much leave Meetra Surik out of it. AU and all that. Here's the wookiepedia link to the [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Exchange]Exchange[/url]. It does eventually die out yeah, but during our timeline, it's currently at the height of its power. I'm not putting a 'credit limiter' on per se, maybe your character has an expensive blaster or something. But right now the Exchange is basically controlling who goes in-and-out of Nar Shaddaa because they have thugs at the primary ports, one of the reasons these refugees and our characters are trapped on the moon. There's probably a 'safe passage toll' at the ports that they're forcing merchants etc... to pay. Our characters cannot afford to pay that, and for whatever reason do not currently have access to their own ship. Maybe the Exchange 'requisitioned' it. Either way, our characters do not currently have access to their own ship. There will undoubtedly be some ports across the moon that are currently unmolested by the Exchange, but our characters would need to escape the Exchange territory they are currently trapped in to reach said ports, which is easier said than done. [i](In SW lore, the Jedi Exile does go on to destabilise their operations on Nar Shaddaa, but again, not something we'll really be covering in this RP.)[/i] For the droid companions, sure! Our characters will be banding together as a 'crew', yeah, but their first mission won't actually take them from Nar Shaddaa itself. When they do escape, they'll be on one ship, yeah. Maybe they'll get another throughout the course of the roleplay, I'm open to things like that. There will be an Exchange character accompanying our motley crew, yep. Depending on how things go in the 'first act', or the storyline concerning the padawan, they'll either continue on with the crew or... won't.