[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2uJq3op.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h3]5:30 AM[/h3][/center] [hr] Mikill's eyes slowly opened, waking up and absorbing in his surroundings again. He could feel the blankets on him and the pillow beneath his head, and he didn't want to move out of bed. But a well-managed body did not stay that way by simply staying around in bed. Mikill pulled the blankets off of him and sat up, giving a stretch of his arms in the air. He stood up, walking over to his dresser. He pulled out his morning workout clothes, putting them on and looking at himself in the mirror. He grabbed a hair-tie from where it lay and put up his hair in a ponytail. After staring at himself for a moment he walked out of his room and out the front door, careful not to wake any of his roommates. As he arrived outside, he began to jog throughout New Celestia. He did this for about a mile, before stopping where he was and doing twenty-five burpees (complete with push-up). Most who saw him, at this hour, ignored him, as they saw him each morning. After doing this he stood up and now began to run. After two miles of this, he stopped and did fifty-five burpees. He continued this routine through the morning, running in a full circle back to his house. It was now about seven in the morning, and so he hit the shower. After stepping out, he dressed in his usual clothes; jeans and some t-shirt (today it was a band shirt, The Police), along with his usual leather jacket that his dad had given him for his fourteenth birthday. He stood in front of the mirror on his dresser now, brushing out his long hair, before finally putting on the pendant that his father had [i]also[/i] given him. He stepped into the kitchen now, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. As he grabbed for the milk, he heard another one of his room mates enter. It was the girl of Zeus, and Mikill gave her a nod and a "good morning". She asked him how his workout went, and he said like usual. He finished up his cereal, washed the bowl, and headed out to the Temple of the Gods. This was his usual routine. He liked to talk to his father through his shrine, even if the man never responded. This morning, Mikill told his old man of the ten dragur he'd defeated on his own. Of course, there was no reply. Sighing to himself, he now headed the Grand Market to just browse.