Hello all, I am BeautifulNightmare, but whatever name you can make from my username to shorten it, feel free to do so. Before I get involved with things I would like to go over a few things first. 1. I have a life and a job, so my posts may be a little slow coming, but I will try to post at leasr once daily. They will also be slow coming because I am doing this all via phone. 2. Doubling is a must. So is romance. It does not have to be the main theme, but I feel it adds necessary drama and conflict to the RP. On the note of doubling, I can manage multiple characters successfully, and if you would like more than just two I am okay with that. Just two main, preferably male and female unless otherwise specified. 3. I would like to be in the advanced range, but I will stay in casual. However, I will give what I get and more likely, but I ask any partner to give at least 2 strong paragraphs per character, but more is definitely welcomed. 4. No chat speak. I cannot stand it, UNLESS it is for a text message being used in the RP, otherwise I may not reply. 5. Communication. I love OOC chat so, get used to me. 6. Unless the RP is from an anime, all real photos for profiles please. =) 7. All rps will be done via thread, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I will be adding more as I think of it. But for now, here is what I am interested in. [B]FANDOMS;;[/B] -Harry Potter (Canon x OC pairings only, UNLESS you convince me otherwise) -The Vampire Diaries (Seasons 1-4 and please no spoilers on 5 as I have not been able to watch it) -The Walking Dead (TV series only) -Supernatural (Seasons 1-7) OTHERS PLEASE ASK I MAY BE UP FOR IT IF I AM FAMILIAR WITH IT. [B]ORIGINALS;;[/B] -Supernatural Academy -Supernatural Creatures -Ask me about my other ideas. On a side note, if you post here, I may see it right away, but I check my pms first thing when I get on.