[@erode] Wowzers, this is gonna be tough now. I really didn't think this will take off the way it is. I'm starting to feel pressure to deliver now... > n <; In any case, I'll happily accept you. ... But after this, I don't think I can accept any more peeps into first rotation. Don't want things to get [i]too[/i] messy and cluttered. I really want to make each player feel special in this story, so as much as I hate turning people away, it's rather necessary at this point. Sticking with the idea that we'll only have around 60% - 70% of the people after the first week or so, once people figure if this is really for them or not, I'm thinking this issue will even itself out. Hopefully. And Uhh, on that note... I'm a little kinda scared, not gonna lie... but... [b]The IC is officially open to have players posts now. [/b] *hides*