[color=00aeef] “Yes, I’d like that.”[/color] He said walking up beside her to walk with her towards the Inn and Tavern. He noticed that the villagers were growing suspicious of vampires already. It wasn’t a good sign. He had to take care of this threat immediately before things got out of hand. The new vampire had to die. He thought about his options while they walked a little. He eventually looked at the girls. [color=00aeef]“I do need my weapon repaired. It’s grown dull.” [/color]He said looking at the sword on his hip.[color=00aeef] “I might need it for the bear or vampire.”[/color] He said jokingly and slightly smiling. He didn’t really need it, but someone with his strength using a sword was more than enough to kill someone. All he needed was to take care of the growing suspicion. He began to focus on the girls and the conversation. [color=00aeef]“Do you have a job of some kind?”[/color] He asked then looked down kicking a small rock on the path they traveled on. Lucio liked this small quaint town. It was peaceful and was beautiful. Surrounded with green trees and foliage. He wanted to stay here for a while, but plans change sometimes. He looked up from kicking the rock and scanned the area. He should keep an eye out for the vampire he sired. He could feel him, and he was somewhere nearby.