Was told to post the character in OOC [hider=Servant: Berserker][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/156808813687603201/345703873605926912/Kintoki21.png[/img][h2][color=gold]"Golden Boy"[/color][/h2][b]Name[/b] - Sakata Kintoki [b]Class[/b] - Berserker [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Alignment[/b] - Lawful/Good [b]Height/Weight[/b] - 190cm/88kg [h3]Parameters[/h3][b]STR[/b] - A+ [b]END[/b] - B [b]AGI[/b] - B [b]MGI[/b] - C [b]LCK[/b] - C [h3]Class Skills[/h3][b]Madness Enhancement - E[/b] A Luck Check is performed whenever damage is received, failure results in him going wild and parameters except MGI and LCK are raised. On that occasion, his whole body becomes red. [b]Divinity - D[/b] Divine Spirit aptitude that comes from origins as a thunder deity's son. Because his mother was a man-eating mountain witch, the rank is low. It will rarely activate as resistance in regards to the attack of Heroic Spirits that possess thunder deity-lineage roots and legends. [h3]Personal Skills[/h3][b]Monstrous Strength - A+[/b] Grants a rank up to his STR parameter. Originally it is a Skill possessed by monsters and beasts, but Kintoki is the son of Raijin as a red dragon and his mother is a cannibal mountain witch, making him possess this Skill at a very high rank. [b]Natural Body - A[/b] Naturally, he has a complete (golden) body as a living being. Grants a plus modifier to his STR. Furthermore, even without training he's still beyond brawny. No matter how many calories he ingests, his body shape will not change. [b]Animal Dialogue - C[/b] Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, very complex nuances are not conveyed. Even then, maybe because Kintoki's mental structure is close to animals, they strangely get into a mutual understanding. [h2]Noble Phantasm[/h2][h3]Golden Eater[/h3][i][b]GOLDEN[/b][/i] [b]Rank[/b] - B [b]Type[/b] - Anti-Unit [b]Range[/b] - 1 [b]Maximum Number of Targets[/b] - 1 [b]Description[/b] - A huge Masakari axe that carries the power of the thunder deity and cannot be handled without Kintoki's superhuman strength. This Noble Phantasm probably did not have this shape originally. It is loaded with 15 cartridges with thunder put into them and its destructive power is raised with their detonation, although sometimes the cartridges gets jammed. There is probably a different true name, but Kintoki activates it with this name, even though this name is absolutely not the true name. Unreasonably golden. [h3]Golden Spark[/h3][i][b]Golden Shock[/b][/i] [b]Rank[/b] - C [b]Type[/b] - Anti-Unit (1 Cartridge) / Anti-Army (3 Cartridges) [b]Range[/b] - 1~4 (1 Cartridge) / 5~20 (3 Cartridges) [b]Maximum Number of Targets[/b] - 1 (1 Cartridge) / 50 (3 Cartridges) [b]Description[/b] - A Noble Phantasm that carries the power of the Raijin, loaded with 15 cartridges. Can be utilized as an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm by using 3 of the charges, releasing a flash of lightning that mows down surrounding enemies. The fact that it activates with a suspicious True Name is just like Golden Eater. The True Name is probably not this, but is activated with it regardless. Unreasonably Golden.[/center][/hider]