And the counterpart varg! [hider=Skoll][img][/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Skoll Hróðvitnisson [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Mooneater, Moonhound, Mangarmr, Cyrus (human alias), [b] Age:[/b] Unknown, human form appears round twenty-one years of age. [b] Gender:[/b] Male [img][/img] [b]Description:[/b] In varg form, Skoll resembles a wolf the size of a small horse, with black fur. Unusual for its kind, the wolf's eyes glow a fiery red colour, matching similarly illuminated marks on its face and forehead. The wolf's canine teeth are elongated and appears deeper chested and more wide-shouldered than a mortal world wolf. In human for Skoll resembles a young man in his early twenties, with black hair that reaches past his jaw. He's a bit on the tall side, somwhat athletic in build, though it's generally concealed by a t-shirt and a heavy jacket. He tends to wear gloves and boots and often seems to sport a rather severe expression. [b]Personality:[/b] Skoll is known for being, at best, kinda serious. The young varg is surly, and humorless, tending to alienate most people he encounters. Neither him nor his sister have the greatest respect for convention, and Skoll is a law unto himself in many ways. Fortunately, they have the sense not to push their boundaries too far, but he tends to have the sense not to take on things he's sure he can't handle. Skoll possesses a great dela of resentment towards humans and The Blessed, feeling quite strongly that the state of the Ironwood is their responsibility. Skoll's relationship with his sister can be a little strained. Hati tends to make a sport out of trying to wind her brother up, and they seem to communicate mostly in insults. Whilst they bicker almost constantly, Skoll is extremely protective of his sister, and has both the attitude, and the necessary skills to threaten swift and terrible retribution to anyone who might hurt her, something she seems to regard as more an annoyance than any kind of protection from the world. The two are, despite this, very close and tend to know exactly what one another is thinking. [img][/img] [b] Skills[/b]: Shapeshifting - Something common to her kind, Skoll is able to alter his shape, from wolf, to human, and back again. This allows him to walk among humans, at least to some degree. His wolf form is considerably larger in size, which will give him an edge in more dangerous situations. Injuries sustained in one form transfer to the other. Cold Resistance - The chaser of the frigid moon, Skoll has no problem with frost. Howl of the Ginnungagap - Both Skoll and Hati have howls with an insidious ability drawn from the void. Anyone in earshot of the howl will lose magical ability until sunrise, in Skoll's case, sunset, for Hati. As such, it will only work at night for the former, and day for the latter. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] Stubborn Independence - Skoll does not enjoy asking for help, this can often cause him problems as he's unlikely to admit when things go wrong. Daybreak - Skoll's howl ability has no power during the hours of daylight, and dispells with the rising of the run. [b] Brief History:[/b] Skoll was born in the Ironwood. Jotun country. The wasteland beyond human habitation where jotun and varg dwell. Resources were scarce and most creatures struggled to survive in the harsh environment. Prey was scarce and the pack they were born into were permanently half-starved. Sometimes they pushed out towards human territory in order to raid farms, but often incurred severe losses when doing so. This miserable life seemed to change for the Ironwood pack however when their alpha female bore two extraordinary cubs. One black, one white, bearing the marks of the celestial wargs, the wolves who would eat the sun and the moon. Skoll and Hati. The pack rejoiced despite their grim circumstances, to have been blessed with such a fortune as to bring forth two of the key players of Ragnarok. The two cubs received anything they needed as they grew. The first bites of any kill, the warmest spots in the Winter, the very centre of the circle when danger appeared. Whilst his sister was keen to run from the weight of expectation, Skoll took the cause upon himself to a great degree. He didn't regard himself as a cause of misery for his pack, nor his sister, the other varg saw them as some symbol of hope... but he did see humans are the cause of misery. The ones who killed his kin and forced them out into the arid land whilst they hoarded their fat cattle and pigs. He set out on his journey too, but with more focus than the sunhound. He would hunt Mani, but he had other plans first. [/hider]