The Devil Makes Work For Idle Hands… Too much time had been wasted waiting for a battle which never came, for too long he had soaked in the stale air of that Egyptian tomb; the insatiable itch to tear men limb from limb growing ever more consuming. Time dragged on and on, with Xavier's bloodlust shifting into a voice in the back of his mind screaming bloody murder; a longing embodied as the need to bathe in the blood of the innocent finally snapped his composure. With a bellow so fierce and strong it could be felt vibrating the crust of the earth, Xavier disappeared with a violent burst of red energy that left a crater almost a half mile wide in its wake. Time to kill. [hr] It was an unknown world that would feel his unholy wrath; a village that under the blanket of night had found themselves under siege by creatures of almost demonic origin. They were at one point familiar to the townsfolk into which they sank their teeth and claws; they were the animals they had been tending to within their walls and the neighbors they had once called friends. There was but one stranger that took part in this massacre, a large ashen skinned man with onyx hair and glowing red eyes who marched up the main road; the monsters gathering upon his heels as he made for the Citadel. Xavier Bloodbayne, the visage of death and Chaos, had come to destroy all things these feeble men and women held dear to them. “They have broken through the gate! Fall back to the cita-[I]DECH[/i]” Standing atop a large hunk of rubble was a large, broad shouldered man who was decked out from head to toe in gleaming metallic armor; fresh dents and scratches littering it’s surface. From within the man’s helmet, the tattered remnants of fleshy limb protruded from his mouth; the bone snapped off into a pointed tip that dripped flesh blood as the guard fell to his knees and gripped helplessly at the flesh between his jaw. Before the darkness took him, Xavier would stand before him and use the heel of his boots to slam the man’s body against the ground; a metallic crunch sounding off that was followed by a wet tearing noise as Xavier forced his heel through armor and flesh in one fell swoop. With a blood soaked smirk upon his face Xavier would raise his right hand to the air and point his index finger to the Citadel; his minions reacting to the unheard order in an instant as they began their charge. As the creatures tore passed him in hopes of tasting flesh, Xaviers perception of time slowed to a crawl as he became aware of something tugging at his very essence, calling him elsewhere in the cosmos. [I][color=ed1c24]So, we begin once more.[/color][/I] Xavier thought to himself as he allowed this strange tugging sensation to pull him away; the Diseased creatures he had been fighting alongside of falling in limp heaps on the ground as their energy was torn from them. All of a sudden there was a deafening explosion followed by a blast of several small arcs of emerald green lightning and Xavier was gone; the sound of uproarious cheering from the remaining townsfolk echoing in his wake. They had been spared; for now. [hr] Upon the surface of the Red Planet and within the sheltered confines of the Southwest Porch area of the arena, an explosion sounded off in almost perfect unison with its brethren across the stars. The soft green glow of the computer monitor in the wall intensified for a moment as the green lightning cascaded along the surface of the wall. Xavier now stood broad-shouldered and unflinching in the corner of the porch, staring out through the opening before him so as to analyze the Arena in which he found himself and the landscape of this planet. Something spoke to him as he mulled over the scenery; an evil presence, ancient and beaten, that spoke with only whispers of what had been. Stale as it was, it was an energy that still reeked of Chaotic design and conduct; the mere presence of it was enough to send a pleasured chill up Xavier’s spine. With every muscle that quaked as this shiver spread from head to toe, a massive surge of Dread Energy particles manifested from the pores of his skin; pouring into the air like sand. Millions upon millions of particles gathered around their master, swirling and quivering with excitement before spreading themselves to encompass the arena inside and out; obscuring ones vision after 40 feet and coating the air with a metallic taste comparable to straight copper. This cloud was for the most part a uniform density, save a small mass of vibrating particles that had swarmed upon the parasitic mass that lay within the center of the arena. The same energy he felt upon the surface of the planet seemed to lie dormant within this strange creature. What secrets did it hold? For the moment, Xavier would remain where he stood and let the cloud of energy he released be the only actions he took. He was more interested to see who it was that he would be paired against this time around. Hopefully this one would show their ugly mug.