[hider=Tori] [color=orange][b]N A M E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Victoria Alina Eskridge[/indent] [color=orange][b]A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]17[/indent] [color=orange][b]P I C T U R E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/f0f8/i/2010/262/7/a/maximum_ride_cosplay_2_by_xgothicrawkevalynx-d2z2c71.jpg[/img][/indent] [color=orange][b]H E I G H T , W E I G H T[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]5' 7", 122 lbs.[/indent] [color=orange][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]High School Student[/indent] [color=orange][b]B I O[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Victoria—she prefers Tori—has always been rather...rambunctious might be the word. She’s never been the type to sit inside and work on embroidery or some such activity that she would refer to as “oh god it’s so boring.” She much prefers such activities as camping, hiking, backpacking; things where she could get outside, away from a lot of other people and from the trappings of civilization. See, she’s the type of person that’s totally, lethally allergic to bullshit. Tough as nails and darkly cynical with the kind of cynicism only a young person can have, she won’t hesitate to deck you if you look at her wrong. Tori’s early life was rough. It wasn’t as though she’d had an abusive family, or anything like that. What she’d had was an exceedingly poor family, so poor they could barely afford to put food on the table. Thus, when not in school—public school, of course—she spent most of her time trying to clothe and feed herself. She became heavily self-sufficient, and though much of the time, she’d been a bit...illegal in her methods, she managed to keep herself alive and relatively healthy throughout her adolescence. Her clothes are typically grungy, and she’s got no real compunctions over eating out of dumpsters. When the outbreak began, she’d been riding near the front of the bus, ready to bail at a moment’s notice if somebody was going to ask for fare. She’d smacked her head on the pole she’d been holding without really knowing what was going on. And that brings us to today. [/indent] [/hider]