[@Kit DewStein] Luke gave Noelle a nod, their jailors were going to be on high alert right now, escaping right off the bat would be almost impossible. His best bet would be to wait for them to lower their guard some, to stay out of trouble and keep his head down so as not to draw too much attention to himself. Unfortunately, patience and staying out of trouble were not in his wheel house. He could manage the waiting though, it wasn’t as if he had anything better to do anyhow, but lying low would be a challenge. Luke didn’t like the idea of not having his freedom, and this place, as big as it was, was still just a cage, he didn’t like being told what to do, and being treated like less than human was going to set off his angry and impulsive tendencies. If he could keep himself in only a minimal amount of trouble he’d probably still fly under their radar, he was sure the staff here would underestimate him; just another young, dumb, street punk, but Luke was a survivor and he wasn’t half as dumb as he looked. He sized up the new guy who walked into the dining hall. He was tall, taller than Luke who at 6’3 was used to being the tallest guy in the room Unlike Luke, this guy was built like wall and looked like he could be a super solider without genetic enhancement. “We may have to wait for our moment, but if the rest of the group here is down I’d say we could be pretty unstoppable. Either way I’m getting out of here one way or another.” He said after Vlad finished talking. Luke was not looking forward to attending “classes,” he hadn’t seen the inside of a classroom in at least five years and rarely showed up before that. He was barely literate, he never had any interest in putting effort into something that wasn’t directly related to his survival. “Great, as if keeping as all here against our will wasn’t bad enough, they’re gonna torture us with school.” He said rolling his eyes.