[quote=@vFear] [@Turboshitter] I was gonna say that bullets hurt more than arrows, but then it occurred to me: those bullets aren't effectively MOAB's... or shoot three at once on a whim... or can reach across the greater part of Fuyuki City...[/quote] To be fair, Lancelot's NP bullets would've wrecked Saber's shit, and all the other gun-toting Servants seem to do just fine. Bullets are just a little less flashy than exploding arrows and nuke swords lol [quote=@vFear]Speaking of, how did the MOAB detonation in the graveyard just go unnoticed by the city? Did the undertaker just come back to a crater and go "yeah, no, I'm not being payed enough for this shit"? [/quote] [quote=@Grey] gasleaks.jpg [/quote] [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/agentscully.gif[/img]