[b]As I always do I will keep this short and let the story tell itself. The rules will be posted when we begin writing but there are some tips in here somewhere.[/b] [color=ed1c24][u][i][b]Remember also this is not a super happy story and bad things will happen!!![/b][/i][/u][/color] [i]"The greater land, a kingdom of many. A land where all races dwarf, human, orc, elves, and alike live in harmony. It is a land been like this sense the time of [b][u]Gana the lord of life.[/u][/b] cast our souls to this plane. No man has broken the peace, no monster has shaken us. We will not let these foul creatures defile that! We shall overcome, we will endure, we will drive them back to the [u][b]plains of Authurion[/b][/u]. I call upon all. Fight these beings, fight them and let our army protect us from anything that tries to halt our progress. We built towers, we built homes, we built walls, we built families! Will you let them take that so easily?! Will you let them scorch our towns and kill our children? I call upon all. Fight! Fight! To your last breath for your kingdom! To your last breath for your home! To your last breath for Harmony!"[/i] [i]The Kings call echoed throughout the land. Not a single person missed the call, though not all came to his aid, many joined the ranks of his army. The greater land army gathered so many people in the first months. But by one year nearly half his men had dwindled. The dragons Had been to fierce an enemy for the normal soldiers taking them on. By one year and a half the greater land had been reduced to half its size. All had been lost in the minds of many. But the King did not faulter. He gathered the most renowned mages, weapon-smiths, armorers, and trainers from the land. He gave them a the task of creating magical items for any young soldier who enlisted and having the trainers teach them to use them. He believed that these would turn the tide of the war.[/i] [b] You are among the first to join the ranks of the kings army. Your characters will without a doubt be heroes, but it is your job to make them so, And don't expect it to be easy. I hope you enjoy.[/b] [color=fff200][u][i][b]How to write:// those tips I said.[/b][/i][/u][/color] -For actions. -[color=f49ac2]For thoughts.[/color] -[color=6ecff6]For words out loud.[/color] -[color=fff79a]For OOC commentary.[/color] -[color=f7941d]For random things?[/color] [color=ed1c24]ALL CHARACTERS ARE HUMAN FOR NOW![/color] [hider=Character sheet.] Name: Age: Picture: Height: Weight: Background: Why you joined: Personality: [color=ed1c24]PLEASE BE SPECIFIC! Your gifts will be based off of this.[/color] [/hider] Here is our map custom made on the internet! If you look population density is shown by wherever it gets redder we are not looking good! [img]http://forums.world/kason/map_dowloaded.svg[/img]