[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7vpzoPeW51rsy50k.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=#4dffa6][b]Location[/b][/color]: Docks (Underground)[/center][hr][hr] Dorothy stood still as Foy stumbled a bit, watching him intently to see if he was in need of any aid. The man may have vexed her, but he was helping her and furthermore, he was her responsibility. Besides, if she had to treat him for a concussion it would waste precious time. She doubted that he would be a model patient as well, likely would insist on wearing a designer gown of some sort during any examinations. Giving her eyes a few moments to adjust to the comparatively dim lighting, she noticed as well that they were in a storm drain, spotting the bloody footprint when Foy pointed her attention towards it. A sense of relief filled Dorothy. The eccentric man was worth his salt after all. Taking a step forward after Foy had, her own gun drawn, her eyes widened as the man flailed about again. Fortunately, rather than twisting his ankle, he just put his foot into the water. It didn't seem to be much of a problem to Dorothy, until the man's prissiness struck her once more, as he was muttering about his shoes, mocking her earlier comment. And then, to Dorothy's horror, the man took off both his shoes and socks. [color=#4dffa6]"You're practically beggin' to cut your foot and get a nasty infection like that,"[/color] Dorothy sighed. She didn't understand this man. If the drain was too filthy for his clothing, why was it clean enough for his feet? [color=#4dffa6]"Borrow my socks, if you like. They might fit."[/color] But unless Foy consented to borrowing the pair of socks, Dorothy wouldn't remove her boots and hand them over. If she did, she'd use the wall for balance. She didn't much feel like sticking her bare feet in that "water" herself. She would then continue to follow the man along the drain, keeping her eye out for any sudden movement or further bits of blood. Their time was limited and she really was looking forward to checking off all the tasks on her list. The more that got done, the better.[hr][hr][center][h1][color=8882be]Fitz Townsley[/color][/h1][img]http://www.theweirdlings.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/science.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][color=8882be][b]Location[/b][/color]: Town (Toy Store)[/center][hr][hr] Fitz smiled nervously at the man, happy to meet yet another kind stranger but scared witless at the same time. He was trapped in his own paradox: he wanted to meet people and to make friends, yet the very thought could almost paralyze him. The most obvious effect was in his constant stutter--around people he had known for ages, the stutter was almost gone. And with strangers, depending on the situation, it could make him almost unintelligible. But fortunately, the atmosphere of the store seemed to soothe his nerves, as long as he focused on one object at a time. Any more than that and a sort of panic claimed him, as there was just too much wonder to look at and not nearly enough time. [color=8882be]"Y-yes, I do. Th-though I doubt I'm very good at it,"[/color] Fitz said weakly. As much as he loved playing games, that didn't always make him very good at them. He also didn't have much of a sense as to whether he actually would be a worthy opponent. He had mostly played his twin growing up, winning and losing about equally. He had played with some others at the University of Osiris, but those he knew there tended to go for games that allowed three or more players. One of those very same friends had made his bracelet, a twisted thing made of wires that he treasured dearly. [color=8882be]"B-b-but I'd love to play, if you don't mind,"[/color] Fitz then added, worried that the man would get bored with him and move on. He pulled out the chair on the other side of the table and sat down, figuring that he might as well pass the time and play a game. This was what traveling was all about, right? Seeing new sights, meeting new people, hearing about the world outside of books and universities. He could always peruse the games they had available for play after the game. And hopefully, provided he wasn't too rusty, it wouldn't be a very short one. Fitz hoped dearly that he'd be able to present some sort of a challenge for the kind old man.