[center][hr][h1]S ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʀ ʜ ᴏ ʟ ᴛ[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KKprzKV.png[/img] [hr][/center] [hider=The Great Woodland][center][/center] ◤ [sub]O V E R V I E W[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Storrholt, loosesly translated from the Oldtongue as the Great Woodland, is a densely packed region of forest and farmland with a spattering of rolling hills and mountains in the far north of Ardacia. Due to the conservationist efforts of their ancestors and the spiritual significance placed on animals, Storrholt is teeming with both plant and wildlife. These creatures range from hares and foxes and stags to the gigantic direbears that have become synonymous with the region as a whole and its royal family.[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]R U L I N G H O U S E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]House Osbjorn[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]E T H N I C P E O P L E S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]The Storr[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]C U L T U R E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]R E L I G I O N[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Revamps incoming[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]E C O N O M Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]M I L I T A R Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] [/hider] [hider=Melar][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/345428435327254529/345504619444830209/klaus-wittmann-11951432-820499401398793-2736203216647969558-o.jpg?width=1026&height=380[/img][/center] ◤ [sub]O V E R V I E W[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Built at the source of the river on which the Storr's ancestors first landed in Ardacia[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]N O T A B L E L O C A L E S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]- -[/list][/color] [/hider] [hider=House Osbjorn][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1OZHutk.jpg[/img][/center] ◤ [sub]H E A D O F H O U S E[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Runi Osbjorn, Thane of Melar and High King of the Storr[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]M E M B E R S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list][u]High King Runi VI Osbjorn[/u] Siblings Aunts/Uncles Kids no doubt[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]W O R D S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]“Through Nature's Wrath” [sub]To any with even a basic understanding of Storrholt's history, the meaning of House Osbjorn's words is rather obvious. It references both the Icemen's perilous journey across the Singing Sea to Ardacia and the Storr's subsequent trials taming the wild land they came upon, turning nature's fury against their enemies. Scholars have suggested that prior to its modern meaning, the Osbjorn words were more literally translated to "Through Winter/the Ocean's Wrath", but with the loss of so much of the Oldtongue during the Ardallan dynasty, this theory is considered conjecture at best.[/sub] [/list][/color] ◤ [sub]S E A T[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]It's gunna sound cool and Norse trust me[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]H E I R L O O M[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Vetrmóðr [sub]Unlike most of the Storr's artifacts that have their origins in the days of Bjornir the Bear and the other chieftains that led their people across the Singing Sea, the colossal, rune covered war-hammer Vetrmóðr is said to date back to ancient Magnar itself. Though it eventually found its way to Bjornir's hands, its original wielder has been lost to time. Though Ardall and his descendants went through great lengths to translate the Storr runes (however loosely), none could be made for Vetrmóðr.[/sub][/list][/color] ◤ [sub]T H E M E S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Being Hippy Vikings and dealing with that Elf problem no doubt[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]Gotta get revamped.[/list][/color] ◤ [sub]S U B J E C T S[/sub] ◢ [color=gray][list]House Balkr House Skogr House Falknr House Wolff House Marlowe House Stein House Lykk House Rask House Vollan House Strand[/list][/color] [/hider]