[@JBRam2002][@rush99999][@Cu Chulainn][@The Large Dumbo][@Lauder] As the floor rose and eventually halted at the lipped edge, the central pillar indenture now served as a square hole allowing more ambient light to stray from the lower level. Those near the eastern wall could see Cerise hovering below. The eight large doors are locked, but all share a placard, written in Common, to which each of you will note bears a name. Those tall enough to see into the grating of the door can discern a large window on the other side, open to the darkness. The greeting of the Goliath and observation of Uregaunt were not kindly returned by the newly awakened as Mara attempted to grapple the invisible female, but oddly groped nothing but air. To the monk, the footsteps emanating from the unseen woman resonated louder than her constitution appeared to possess. To Thanath, it was unclear whether this new addition to the party was deaf and dumb, or just plain rude. Her route nonetheless beelined first to the northern bench, to a beaker containing blue liquid, to which its navy contents began to glimmer inside the lady as she consumed its contents. Her body flashed in a cerulean glow, yet her gem remained unaffected. Seemingly addicted, the concealed girl quenched her thirst, likewise with crimson and avocado fluid; her silhouette shimmered again scarlet and green, but the stone in her forearm impassive to the colors surrounding, remaining as white as the diamond in the Albino’s chest. The veiled lady again returned invisible with only her lips apparent with jade, cherry, and cobalt dashed upon them. They remained sealed after drinking. Not to speak. Nor to breathe. However, the lips fanned its perspective from the Paladin with the makeshift shank and the warlock with the mystical blade, and the mysterious blanch bloke between them. The man spoke again. “More importantly, who am I? What in Oghma's name is going on?” He scrambled to his feet, apparently scared as if the seemingly partnered girl was staring into his soul. He looked at the hole in the center of the room, not caring the four surrounding him would have ample opportunity to restrain him if he jumped. The lips finally parted but only to lick the residue from its vermilion borders, again rendering her invisible. (We will need attacks of opportunity, if so desired, from Uregaunt, Thanath, Ysalain, and Zana, as he is going to leap into the hole.) [@The Grey Dust][@Daemanis] You hear the above inquiries mingled with the boom of loud footsteps bellowing through the ceiling. The spiral staircase now is 10 feet away from the pillar riddled with levers all in the up position. The eight doors are closed, seven of them with names. Each of you recognize your respective names upon an ingress. Looking into the door, you discern your mount shackled and asleep, barely breathing, but bearing the gem in similitude to the hue emboldened upon you. Upon further investigation of the room, a door is actually slightly ajar, with its placard engraved in a peculiar language. The room is peppered with many different plants: mistletoe, birch, juniper, yew, and ash. There are three long corridors that outstretch seemingly North, East, and West, ending with large wooden doors. The southern exit pools into a courtyard with the shining portal glimmering about 20 feet away.