After the movie, Diana stood up as well. The kids were already prancing down the steps, screaming and cheering as their mom followed behind them. "Well, at least they kept their energy on hold throughout the film," Diana commented with a little laugh. She looked up at Derek and started walking out. It had been nice sitting through a movie with him, even if there was no physical contact of any sort between the two. At the end of the day, it was simply being with him that mattered most to Diana. But that didn't stop some part of her from wanting more. She quickly reminded herself that that would be impossible. Derek was an attractive rich kid who had expectations to live up to. Diana didn't want to be the reason his father looked down on him. Thus, she tried to push her growing attraction to him to the back of her mind. "Alright, personal stylist. Mall time. Make me look like the manliest man ever." For emphasis, she flexed, even though her arms were skinny and had essentially zero muscle. "Feel free to be amazed by my [i]rippling biceps[/i]."