Camilla nodded enthusiastically hoping Ricardo would have some of this alleged money upfront. It was a long way to Tilea if he were expecting to get back home before he collected his reward. Richardo looked fairly well heeled though, he must have bought some money with him. Even if he had been living as the Contessa's lover he would have laid some money aside, it was nearly the first thing one did after securing the affections of a patron. [b]"Cydric can do subtle,"[/b] Camilla confirmed, he had managed to fool the court of Middenheim after all. Ricardo slammed his cup down on the table in enthusiasm, his smile radiant. "Da dios piccola uccella, with your help I am sure we can recover it! Listen I'll tell you what I have found so far," the Tilean leaned in, spreading his hands but before he could begin to speak the noise behind him swelled in intensity. Good natured shouts began to devolve into snarls as the Middenlanders collided with the Kislivite contingent. A drink was emptied over one of the northeners and within moments they were on their feet shoving each other. One of the Middenlanders, a burly blonde giant with an eyepatch bought a tankard down on a Kislivite with shattering force, and suddenly the brawl was on. [b]"Damn it," [/b]Camilla sighed, looking around for another exit, but it seemed there would be little option. The men were surging towards them and she barely had time to get to her feet before they crashed into the table, upending it in a spray of watery ale. Ricardo was a fraction slower than she and his chair was kicked out from under him. The Tielan let out an outraged sqwak as he fell onto the straw covered ground, already rolling to avoid being trampled. Before he could right himself a boot caught him in the chest, driving the air from his lungs. Camilla ducked behind Cydric as was her custom, using her friend to avoid being jostled. Consequently she was probably the only person in the bar who saw the blond Middenlander pull a short bladed knife from his sleeve and drive it downward at the prone Ricardo. Even taken by surprise and winded Ricardo was fast. He grabbed his chair one handed and slammed it upward at the Middenlander the fragile wood splintering under the force of the downward blow. He tried to twist it to disarm the man, a classic duelist trick, but the Middenlander let go of the knife and delivered a stomping kick to the Tilean's stomach, clearly content to stomp the man to death if the easier option were denied to him. [b] "Cydric!"[/b] yelled thrusting her finger towards the scuffle, even as one of the Kislivite's threw a punch at the Ostlander. [@POOHEAD189]