Celty nodded at Quinn then took a deep breath, peering down her scope again. She didn't have much ammo left, but it was enough to slow them down. She steadied her rifle the best she could, still uneasy from the blast, and steadied her breathing. She wasn't planning on being a hero today, she just wanted to slow them down so they all had a chance to run. She hated playing hero. I got too many cocky or brave people killed. And dying wasn't exactly on her agenda for today. Running, most likely, but not dying. Slowly she squeezed the trigger. Watching one of the cars go up in a fiery ball of metal and smoke, as the recoil of her rifle took her a bit off balance. Celty need a more stable stance and a better view of them. "Hey! Is there a back door to the house? I may need to shoot through the window to get a better shot." She called back, hoping someone hadn't ran yet. She began to back up and aimed again down her sight. This time when she squeezed the trigger she only hit the tire and caused the car to kick up dust and begin to swerve into the others. "Well, I guess that works." Before she could make another shot, they were getting to close for her comfort. Celty jumped up and looked behind and around her. Now she would make a run for it, and try to follow Quinn's idea of separating.