An hour passed since the fight's conclusion. The group spent their time resting and tending to their wounds, some of them searching through the area. There didn't appear to be much of significant value here, and once Ary had played a tune to ease their pains, Yvah picked the lock into the next room. There was little inside other than a writing desk that appeared to have a guest log of some sort, along with a dried out ink well and a quill. In the back corner was another desk, this one mostly cleared of anything of interest. Only a few scant papers were on its surface, and none of them had any writing on it. More interesting was the stairwell leading down. Of course, stairs were nothing foreign to cathedrals. Nearly every place of worship had a location to bury its dead or prepare its sanctimonious traditions. What caught the interest of those who cared to look was the sign of torchlight flickering on the wall below as the stair met a landing and turned out of sight. [hider=Mechanics]For those with a Passive Perception of 16 or higher, you can also hear the faint sound of water running down below, as if there were an underground stream of some sort.[/hider][h3][url=]Current Map![/url][/h3]