[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AxH8deV.png[/img] [h3]Dulga Tarata[/h3] [/center] [b]"Ah, Kasuke-san I-"[/b] But before Dulga could correct herself Mina had left. Before she had left Mina started talking about her mother the Seductress. Dulga had no idea who taht was, but from the sounds of it she was the one that Mina was trying to overcome. Dulga just sat there and watched her new friend leave while feeling rotten about herself. [b]"Good job Dulga..."[/b] Sighing, the six-armed giant stood up to head to class. She wanted to ask Mina if she wanted to try to become better than her mother, or become her mother. Even if mina wanted to be able to fight by herself and overcome her mother's shadow, she could still do that while also working alongside other heroes and further do more than her mother ever could. Because otherwise Mina may actually die trying to achieve her dreams. Dulga didn't want that to happen. Dulga wasn't sure where to go from here. She didn't want to head back to class; it was too loud. She didn't want to chase after Mina, she needed some time to cool off. Dulga didn't know this school very well though. But she knew one thing: her favorite places was high above everything else. So Dulga headed to the rooftop. She just kept taking all the stairs until she finally reached the top of the building. There weren't very high fences skirting the side; just some handrails. [b]"Perfect."[/b] Dulga went to the edge and leaned against the rails, looking down at the world from above. It was a good feeling, being able to see everything so clearly. Even if she couldn't see inside buildings or underneath the trees, she could see the entire city as far as the eye could see. She could even seen the dorms where Mina was heading to. Dulga looked with a forlorn stare, worried that she had just ruined a friendship with Mina. Taking her phone out Dulga started looking for a song to play so she could dance her problems away. But before she did she made sure to close the door. Hopefully no one will find her up here. Once Dulga's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wga5A6R9BJg]song[/url] started, Dulga bobbed her head to the beat as she tried to find her rhythm. Once more she let the music take her away and just danced. Danced like she hasn't danced before.