[h3]Lafayette Station, Past the Checkpoint[/h3] It was something resembling a plan, at least. Hazan, of all people, seemed to have put a lot of thought for getting Drono into the clinic. Tanya listened through her omnitool, slouched against a wall of the metal service tunnel, staring absentmindedly at a strip of blue LED lights that provided the bulk of the illumination as she listened to the turian lay out his case, bit by bit. It was a good foundation, but some of it didn’t quite sit right. [color=cyan]”If I may,”[/color] Tanya interjected, turning her eyes from the lights to the map that Hazan had sent. [color=cyan]”I think we’ve been getting really lucky so far as to not prod the wasp nest with fucking with Eclipse’s tech and getting through customs. If we keep pressing our luck, someone’s going to get tipped off. We need to find a way to do this without mucking with the cameras too much; new disguises, maybe?”[/color] Sitting at a table alone with his back to the group, Tonka sipped at literal soup bowl of coffee. The krogan’s wideset eyes surveyed the patrons around him, trying to ascertain if they were being monitored. [color=39b54a]”If a bunch of us are all heading the same way in a short period of time, it wouldn’t even take an unpaid intern to start putting together that maybe, just maybe, those people who get through customs around the same time that suddenly started moving to the same location within a short time period from the same cafe might have something to do with one another. We have an actual doctor; why not get her some nurse scrubs and a wheelchair for Drono and have her go in with me? If others keep a lookout at different parts of the station along the way, as well as monitoring the terminals, we can get Drono in without fanfare. If Yestin starts to get wise, it would do us good to start causing trouble all over rather than all head to the same easily assaulted clinic.”[/color] [color=cyan]”I’m probably best keeping where I’m at down here like a little rat. Unless they lock me out, I can at least slow them down or misdirect the Eclipse mercs. I’d like to get into Eclipse’s networks, but that’s a double edged sword and an intrusion is almost certainly going to be noticed immediately.”[/color] Tanya paused. [color=cyan]”I mean, Eclipse is basically what happens if a high school AV club is filled with sociopaths and people with extremely flexible ethics. What I mean is they’re a bunch of extremely dangerous nerds who we can’t take lightly.”[/color]