[img]https://preview.ibb.co/cF9pBa/image.jpg[/img] [b]Hello and welcome my fine fellow chaps and chapettes of the Guild, and thank you for your time.[/b] Now then, to the business at hand; [color=ed1c24]____________________________________________________________________[/color] I have been inspired to create a Roleplay set within Hideo Kojima's [i]Metal Gear[/i] universe. This Roleplay will play host to a wide cast of new characters, hero and villain alike, yet will stay true to the event and character histories of all the [i]Metal Gear[/i] installments. The timeline placement shall be in the year 2021, three years after the events of [i]Metal Gear~Rising[/i] and Raiden's resignation from [i]Maverick Incorporated[/i]. Now, a new generation of heroes and villains has been ushered in to take up the burden of war, for whatever reason, wether it be principles, beliefs, idealism, or personal gain. Whatever their reasoning, they know their purpose, and their duties, but, do they truly know their beliefs, and if they do, just how strong do they stand by them?.... [color=ed1c24]_______________________________________________________________________[/color] [b]SYNOPSIS[/b] [hider=SYNOPSIS] The year is now 2021, and the world has changed on a high margin in the past three years. Since the successful peace conference in Pakistan in 2019, relations between the United States and many Middle Eastern nations are smoothing out at a rapid rate, however, the "War on Terrorism" continues to rage on. Despite the best efforts of the United States and NATO, terrorist cells continue to blossom up across eastern nations and fuel the fires of war. This of course has led to a heavy demand for PMC contractors and mercenary units in the East. This, along with heavy NATO and United States military intervention, has made the Middle East the hottest zone on the entire global map. However, there is another particularly unstable area that is threatening to boil over into an inferno of chaos. This particular region is the Asian country of Thailand, which is looming on the brink of Civil War at the hands of a radical socialist "liberationist" group known as the Riddah Rouge, who are led by an ex-military fire brand named Sudarak Feirong. For the past five months, Feirong has been spreading feelings of bitterness and insurgency amongst the middle and lower classes of Thailand, as well as amongst the beggars and homeless. He has directed hatred towards the countries' monarchy and its government, and his ranks have been swelling ever since his "campaign" began, not to mention the unrest that has settled in across the nation. Many cities have had to quell major riots and violent protests within the past few weeks. And while the public batters and protests the government, the Riddah Rouge contine to grow in strength and numbers. In just five short months Feirong has managed to assemble a large guerrilla army, stockpiled an adequate amount of weapons and equipment, and has summed up a rather large amount of money, which he is using to fund his resistance movement. Feirong has also taken it upon himself to employ none other than "Preemptive Strike", a PMC centered in Northern Europe, who's members primarily hail from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and parts of Germany. They have supposedly already been deployed throughout Thailand, though there have been no confirmed sitings of their forces or any specific units. Some believe only minor units have been deployed to minimize foreign presence in the coming conflict, while others believe that Feirong is holding them in reserve. Regardless of such, the Thai government has responded to such alligations by hiring none other than "Maverick Security Consultation", the famous private security provider and the former employer of none other than Agent Raiden, also known as "Jack the Ripper". Maverick has dispatched a team of their finest Cyborgs to aid the Thai government in its "self preservation". The objectives for this elite team of Maverick cyborgs is simple; •Drive Preemptive Strike completely out of the country. •Eliminate Sudarak Feirong and scatter apart the Riddah Rouge. •and ensure the safety of the Prime Minister and His Majesty the King of Thailand. These objectives will not be easy, as the Riddah Rouge and Preemptive Strike will prove to be very formitable and devilish opponents. No matter however, as it must be done, for Maverick has never failed on a contract, and they do not intend to start now. [/hider] [b]YOUR CHARACTER[/b] [hider=YOUR CHARACTER] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bPOi4v/image.jpg[/img] It has been three years since Agent Raiden officially resigned from Maverick Security Consulting (MSC), and two years since Maverick operatives last contacted Raiden. Ever since Raiden's departure, MSC has turned to newer operatives to handle the more delicate operations and the most dangerous missions. Your character is one of these many operatives. Enhanced by the most advanced cybernetic technology and seasoned by the most effective VR training modules and field courses, you are one of Maverick's newest and most elite agents. Perhaps you are a rookie who has had no experience outside of VR programs, or maybe your a seasoned veteran with an extensive combat record and field experience. Regardless, you have been hand chosen by the head of MSC, Boris Popov, as an addition to the team that is to be deployed to Thailand. Your own skills and ability have indicated you as a fine addition to the team. Now, the entire operation is in the hands of you and your comrades, but do not fear, you will have more than adequate radio support and the finest in the business at your side, fighting along with you to accomplish the mission. Just play your role and carry your own weight, and the operation will surely be a success. [/hider] [b]PREEMPTIVE STRIKE[/b] [hider=PREEMPTIVE STRIKE] [img]https://preview.ibb.co/kzrGba/image.jpg[/img] Preemptive Strike is the largest private military corps in central and northern Europe, it's corporate headquarters resides in Norway, within the capital city of Oslo. They also have several extension offices in the surrounding nations of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Germany. They are funded, promoted, and managed by a board of directors, who are represented by an ex-military figure turned corporate executive named Argrin Tavcar, a former Swedish Arctic Ranger who retired in early 2009, and became affiliated with Preemptive Strike in 2017. Since the downfall of World Marshall in 2018, they have been known as one of the more premiere PMC's throughout the world, having taken and satisfied contracts in nations such as Mexico, Libya, Eritrea, Venezuela, Morocco, and other unstable areas. Backed by top tier financial leaders, supplied with the finest weapons, technology and personnel, and having established a reputation of never failing, Preemptive Strike has concreted themselves as perhaps the most reliable and the most feared PMC across the globe. This is the primary reason that Sudarak Feirong hired them to aid in his revolution against Thailand's acting government. [/hider] [color=ed1c24]___________________________________________________________________[/color] [b]SIDE NOTES[/b] •Further details about the operation, mission control, the Riddah Rouge, and the situation within Thailand will be provided within the OP thread. •Official rules/guidelines shall also be set forth and concreted. [color=ed1c24]___________________________________________________________________[/color] [b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b] [hider=CS] [b]•Character Code Name/Nickname:[/b] [b]•Character Full Birth Name:[/b] [b]•Gender:[/b] [b]•Age:[/b](20-40) [b]•Height:[/b] [b]Voice:[/b](Optional) [b]•Race/Ethnicity:[/b] [b]•Nationality:[/b] [b]•Appearance:[/b](Image preferred.) (TIP:Type "Cyborg Soldier","Cyborg", or "Sci-Fi Soldier" into google images for a decent variety of images for appearance.) [b]•Personality:[/b](A brief description, a paragraph or so.) [b]•Biography:[/b](Optional) [b]•Primary Weapon:[/b](Mandatory) [b]•Secondary Weapon:[/b](Optional) [b]•Support Items:[/b](Frag Grenades, Claymores, C4, ect.)(Optional)(Maximum of four.) [b]•Custom Cybernetic Enhancements:[/b](A list of specific custom cynernetic advances made strictly to your characters' body, such as steel grafted bones, enhanced eyesight, built-in NV, separating limbs, ect.) (Maximum of 5.) [/hider]