How would one even prevent someone from being a nazi? You'd have to breach every several individual rights in the constitution and do something akin to the internment camps of the 40s. The entire point is- No, most people don't think it's okay to be a nazi. But the point of rights are to protect everyone, not just those you deem "worthy" of having rights. At that point it becomes a privilege and not a right at all. I mean, it was only a few decades ago that advocating for gay marriage was seen as "evil" and "sinful". If we banned nazi speech/thought it would have obviously extended to LGBT activists and civil rights activists. Because what's "right" at the time might be subjective. Anyways, it just opens up a lot of chances for abuse if we did attempt to force people not to be nazis. Who's rights are safe then? For all we know the government could just shut the lid on anyone criticizing them, claiming that they were shitty people who can't see the benefit of the government being all powerful. It also brings up the other question on who even decides how much far-right philosophy/thought gets you in trouble. Are we banning just blantant nazis, or any far-right leaning person who may have facist ideals? And I mean, if you didn't want to debate this why even post an obvious flame bait reaction like "how fucking stupid are you"