[Center][img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/12/12/02/3B4A11E500000578-0-image-m-30_1481509673868.jpg[/img] [h2]SYBIL[/h2] [h3]AGE UNKNOWN|WITCH|RESTLESS SOUL|THE INHERENT EVIL[/h3] Sybil is a very old and powerful witch that hails from the South, having run the Southern Witch Council for ages with an iron fist. Everything has always been her way or no way, and it was clear to see that she could amass a following with how she could work herself into people's heads. She fears no one and she is very thorough in planning things. She doesn't do anything without purpose, and whenever a plan of hers goes wrong, she always has back up plans. She has a very long history with the Lockhart clan of witches, especially Ophelia and her father, Terrance. Sybil did everything she could do to make sure that Lia would become the Death Witch that her brother foretold of, and in order to do so had to kill one of those who heavily defied her... Terrance. The history began when Terrance refused to join the South Witch Council under Sybil's rule, and it continued on from there. Though now, her darkest history with the clan lay with Lia. Though she is not afraid of her, Sybil knows that Lia knows her tricks very closely and that she has to keep herself under the radar until absolutely necessary. Though Sybil can work her ways into people's heads, her magic dealing with the mind is subpar and is often easily broken through once it is realized, her true magical talents come in with binding magic. She is one of few who actually knows how to bind beings that should not know how to be bound, like reapers and the Horsemen. She is very dangerous for this and her knowledge of magic in general. [/Center]