[@MeteorD]Yes I pointed those out at the start of the rp. I wanted to give Mordred her base kit but Turbo wanted to push the envelope and give her the fame boost to make her some sort of insane monster servant. [quote=@vancexentan] Alright I may have had a bit of a knee jerk reaction however with his current stats he is on par with high ranking members of the round table and could probably take out guys like Tristan, Agravain, and Kay. I don't mind characters being as strong as my Saber what I mind is the unwarranted high level of strength. I'd bring it down to B at the very least. The endurance is warranted for the character at hand. However things like Visage bring him up to par like monsters of the five tiger generals of Shu which I don't believe is warranted as I'm sure most people are more aware of them then Benkei. [/quote] Quoting this just in case this post gets to the next page.