-AES Trafalgar- Gregorio had made his way down to the engine room. Passing a number of crewmen, he made his way to a [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2-0Lz_A2mvWxfYJXUJ626JP0PvIyeWbCeucLk7meX_Hk0pvV_]Lorgon[/url] that was looking over several of the Munchausen Reactors. "Panku. How does it look?" he asked. The Lorgon looked at him and his translator flared up with a loud, metalic crackling. "Not looking good. I'd rather get her into Dry-Dock before we tried to jump again." "We seem to have gone quite a distance, I have no idea where we are and what's going on around us. We may need to jump in a hurry." he said. The Lorgon sighed. "I don't appeciate you asking me for my advice, then just saying you will do what you want anyway." Panku growled. Lorgons were known for their stand-offishness against humans, most of them refused to even fratronize with Humans at all. Panku had been saved by his father and had pledged to join as chief mechanic for the ship. Even so, he was still known for an acute dislike for humans, even if he didn't let it get in the way of his work. He also had a cybornetic arm which helped him to no end. "Alright. I do respect you and your advice. I'm just saying that we may not have a choice in the matter. Dry Dock is expensive and we may not be able to. We'll be docking soon, but it's going to be umbilical." Panku sighed and went back to work. "At least give me a day to run the diagnostic with Khepri." he said. Khepri was the ships computer. "I will do my best to give you a day." Gregorio replied. At that point, a pannel on the wall began to talk in a monotone voice. "Captain, Trafalgar is now performing final docking procedures." it said. "Thank you, Khepri. Please ask for an engineering team as well as parts, tell them to charge whatever they need to the company bank account and send them the details. Also, i'll be coming aboard with a few of my security personnel." "It would be my pleasure." The computer replied. **** The final few puffs from the monopropellant that the docking thrusters used and Trafalgar was safely grappled into a position where it's umbilical could lock in to the stations universal docking port. The clamps locked in place and the hatch hissed as it opened. Gregorio, along with Malla, Lance and a few of the security toopers stood, as they met with their welcoming party. Each of the Trafalgar's crew had a CQC weapon noticable on their figure somewhere. No guns, with the exception of the Caster that was fixed to the outside of Malla's bright golden Gauntlet.