Seeing the albino eye the hole, Uregaunt frowned. It would be quite an effective way to leave the situation the albino was stuck in, and given his reaction to the invisible woman... Uregaunt was admittedly a bit wary of the woman himself, but he was even more wary of the albino. As long as Uregaunt lived and breathed, the albino wouldn't leave his sight, at least not yet. With a frown, Uregaunt whipped out a hand to grab the albino and hold him before he could do anything. [color=orangered] "Hold on just a second-" [/color] Uregaunt's argument to dissuade the albino from leaping down into the hole was interrupted as he soon realized how much force he had thrown into the lunge. Too much, it seemed, as he slipped and fell in an embarassing, his face coming into contact with the albino's rear as he caught himself in an unfortunate position. Visions of furiously hacking apart the albino leapt into his mind, as he slowly stood up and wiped off his mouth, his face that of horror and disgust. [hider=Mechanics] Uregaunt performed an Athletics check to hold the albino, rolling a [b]2[/b]. [/hider]