I'm going to keep this as short and sweet as I possibly can. Now then, I am a 25 year old female and a student as well. So I may have limited time to post on certain days. That being said, I can offer at least one post per day, and many many posts when I have less responsibilities. That being said, I can write anywhere from 2-12 paragraphs, depending on my mood and how much I'm given to work with by my partner. Please be able to write at least two decently sized paragraphs. Anything less and I find it hard to keep interest in what I am writing. I know that sounds terrible but it is true. Now then, on to the fun stuff. Genres I enjoy... -Romance -Fandoms -Fantasy -Sci-fi -Historical fiction -medieval -ancient Fandoms That Come to Mind... -Game of Thrones -X-men -Doctor Strange -Thor -Iron Man -Guardians of the Galaxy -Firefly/Serenity -Underworld -Deadpool -Vikings -Dragon Age -anything Disney Probably many more but I am drawing a blank, so please feel free to ask. Don't really know what you want to do? Have a look at my list of generic pairings! See below for details. viking x captive highlander x foreigner royalty x commoner thief x knight thief x noble pirate x royalty deity x human alien x human alien x alien dragon x human AI x scientist enemy x enemy assassin x target mermaid x pirate I'm out of ideas, so if you have something in mind for a pairing make a suggestion. Side note, I don't mind playing a cannon character for you but please be willing to double if you ask this of me. Also, I don't mind playing multiple characters/ genders to push our story along.