Today marked a month, right on the dot. It was exactly a month ago that the rune- that was its name, Dawn had found- had branded itself onto her wrist. She found herself examining it in the thin glow offered by the overhead lights, tracing the patterns with idle fingers. It had been nearly three weeks since the Blessed had found her, firmly insisted that she went along with them, and brought her into their fold. Not much had happened since then, really. There had been a few tests run, a few rounds of training done, but for the most part, the whole situation felt more like a vacation than anything. The Blessed had been bending over backwards to accommodate those marked with a rune; providing them all lavish rooms to stay in, offering full use of the base’s facilities, and letting them move about as they pleased during their free time. Well. As long as their destination was within the city’s limits, that was. Even the room that Dawn found herself waiting in now was clearly made to impress. The couch she found herself seated in was made from fine leather, and paintings that looked to be worth more than her car were hung neatly up on the walls. It was an incredible kindness that the Blessed were giving them all, but, in truth, all the cushiness and the pampering made Dawn feel somewhat...uncomfortable, really. The staff had been swearing up and down that simply following the path that the Allfather intended for them would be enough payment, but... Dawn took a long swig of her coffee. It seemed a tad unnecessary- especially seeing as how the rest of the base seemed to live rather modestly in comparison. It certainly provided quite a bit of motivation to give back for all that had been done for them. They, the marked, would all be meeting officially today. Group training, apparently. She had seen a few others like her in passing, but it would be the first time that all nine of them would be gathered anywhere together for a prolonged period of time. It would be a lie to say that Dawn wasn’t curious when it came to her new coworkers. She took another sip. There was nothing to do now but to wait, and to wonder.