[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Anthony Ryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64uoyetGy1r9413r.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Anthony's eyes looked over for an escape route he could easily just make a run for it for now, so the woman was named Victoria Allencourt. The ruling family, he now had a name to the face for his friend however he just slid his phone over to her he would certainly end up getting himself shot dead if he ran to grab it. [color=lightgreen]"Hey i'm just your friendly neighborhood stalker just tryin' to help my friend get his dick wet with that lady there!"[/color] Anthony yelled back being as calm as he could, he hoped that his phone would end up leading to him if she had friends in high places as it were. [color=lightgreen]"Anyway thanks for the info, see you around lovely cute lady. Maybe we can get a date sometime when you aren't waving a gun at me!"[/color] Anthony he decided to call it quits for now, and get the hell out of dodge now, he started to make a run for it back towards the subway. He didn't care what other info that she may have had, he was more in fear for his life at the moment.