Orchid was at first surprised at Escobert's aggression, only to narrow his eyes at him with a bit of anger himself. Was this how the dwarf treats the heroes of Greenest? Orchid was not normally a prideful person and didn't care too much for reputation, but he didn't like people who were mean to him. Fortunately Escobert at least conceded that he was simply [i]busy[/i], which Orchid could understand, and that he'll have something ready for Orchid by tomorrow morning. It'll have to do. [color=a2d39c]"Okay!"[/color] And just as quickly as he came Orchid ran off and left Escobert back to his work. Walking back through the keep Orchid seemed to be in high spirits. Tomorrow he'll be fully rested, better equipped, and would set off to hunt down those cultists. He wondered what became of the others as the half-orc hasn't seen neither hide nor hair of them since Brannor had came back from his duel. Speaking of Hide, Orchid still had his drakehide tanning somewhere in the keep. He hoped no one had knocked it over or disturbed it since he left. That would make him really sad. As Orchid wandered he spotted the familiar faces of Torus and Kyra talking to an unfamiliar monk. Orchid didn't catch anything they were saying as the monk started walking away. Filling the empty void the monk left, Orchid turned to the others with a look of curiosity. [color=a2d39c]"What happened?"[/color] [@Hekazu][@Gordian Nought][@Norschtalen]