As soon as the "huntress" came out, Gavin felt immediately and [i]incredibly[/i] uncomfortable. Something about her just...set all of his genetic alarms off. His mandibles expanded and contracted of their own will and he stifled a scream of pain as the cheek skin stretched almost to the point of tearing. He shrank further back into the corner, feeling withdrawn and vaguely horrified. Especially once what appeared to be the headman started speaking. Gavin hadn't paid a whole lot of attention when he was signing up for this...procedure. He'd barely even listened at all. Consequently, he'd had no idea about the whole "military" thing, and he began to grow ever more agitated. The room was filling up with more people, and as the final one strode in—a man who could probably crush Gavin without even looking—he nearly screamed. Once again, his mandibles snapped. Suddenly understanding the implicit message his brain was sending him, he made his careful way over to the breakfast table, picking up a large fruit that he couldn't quite recognize. Reaching up to his mouth, he nearly choked. His mandibles had snapped forward and shut of nearly their own volition, neatly bisecting and grabbing the fruit and forcing him to swallow it nearly whole. He gagged, pitching forward and putting his hands on the table to support himself. His eyes, forever wary, flicked side to side. They settled on the first girl he'd seen, talking to someone who was also much larger than he. He tentatively began picking his way over to her and her companion. [@Kit DewStein][@Helo]