The man in the jumpsuit reared back and dropped his hostage. The chemicals spewed all over him weren't enough to damage his equipment significantly, but there was slight corrosion. The more hindering factor was that he was now unable to see, the bubbles forming from the acid eating through the metal were gathering within the vision components of his helmet. He spent a few moments wiping as much chemical off his visor as he could, then turned in the direction of Kirin's voice as he shouted down the hallway. Able to see at least enough to give chase, he followed Kirin towards one of the frontal stairways. Kirin ran faster than he ever ran in his life. When he reached the staircase at the corner of the history and language hallways, he sat on the railing on the stairs and slid down, landing in front of the science hall and nurse's office. This landing also had one of the double-doors exiting the building, it was just outside this exit where Kirin and his friends would wait for their respective buses every day after classes. He pushed through them and stepped out into the bright afternoon sun.